Chart primitives
Layouts & specialized
Data utilities
Umbrella package
allows for creation of Difference Charts in react
, which highlight the delta
between two line series.
npm install --save @vx/threshold
<Threshold />
#<Threshold />
Specifies a constant value, or an accessor called per datum, above which the upper area is clipped.
Specifies a constant value, or an accessor called per datum, below which the lower area is clipped.
Array of data for which to generate a threshold area shape.
For the Area shape, specifies the x accessor function for a datum, which defaults to d => d[0]
Alternatively this may be a constant x value.
For the Area shape, specifies the accessor function (or constant value) which generates
the "lower" area bound to which "belowAreaProps" and "clipBelow" props apply. Defaults to d => 0
For the Area shape, specifies the accessor function (or constant value) which generates
the "upper" area bound to which "aboveAreaProps" and "clipAbove" props apply. Defaults to d => d[1]
Additional props passed to the "above" Area shape.
Additional props passed to the "below" Area shape.
className applied to container g element.
Sets the curve factory (from @vx/curve or d3-curve) for the area generator. Defaults to curveLinear.
The defined accessor for the shape. The final area shape includes all points for which this function returns true. By default all points are defined.
id for this threshold. If not set, multiple Threshold's on a page may conflict and interfere with each other.
Default ""