is a suite of several low-level standalone packages for building visual interfaces with react
. Packages can be mixed and used together depending on your use case, or you can simply add the umbrella @vx/vx package to use them all.
Individual packages can be roughly categorized as follows:
Chart primitives
- @vx/annotation
Annotate elements of a chart
- @vx/axis
Annotate your coordinate system
- @vx/curve
d3 line interpolators for @vx/shape
- @vx/glyph
Complex marks & symbols to be used in visuals
- @vx/grid
Grid lines for a chart
- @vx/legend
Make your visual encodings readable
- @vx/marker
Annotation lines with text
- @vx/scale
Map data to visual dimensions
- @vx/shape
Fundamental visualization shape primatives, the core of vx
- @vx/tooltip
Show details on demand
Layouts & specialized
- @vx/chord
Radial layout for matrix relationships
- @vx/geo
Geographic projections
- @vx/heatmap
Represent data values using color
- @vx/hierarchy
Components to visualize hierarchical or nested data
- @vx/network
Visualize nodes and links between them
- @vx/react-spring
Animated vx primitives
- @vx/stats
Common ways to visualize distributions
- @vx/threshold
Difference charts to compare the delta between two time series
- @vx/brush
Enable selection of a part of an interface
- @vx/drag
Make elements of an interface draggable
- @vx/voronoi
Partition points in a chart to improve user interaction
- @vx/zoom
Apply transforms to a viewport
SVG utilities
- @vx/clip-path
Utilities for clip-path elements
- @vx/event
Utilities for computing svg coordinates from mouse or touch events
- @vx/group
Simplified API for <g /> elements
- @vx/gradient
Utilities for making making color gradient definitions
- @vx/pattern
Utilities for creating pattern definitions
- @vx/text
An improved SVG Text component
Data utilities
- @vx/bounds
Detect the bounding box of an element & its parent
- @vx/mock-data
Lots of mock data sets to play with
- @vx/responsive
Utilities to make responsive visualizations easy
- @vx/point
A simple class to represent an x,y coordinate